Suri's kittens will be up for adoption today at 1:00 pm at the Petco in Fairview Park (near Target). Anyone who's not adopted at Petco will be returned to the shelter on Tuesday. For more information contact us by phone at (216) 744-6318 or email at ccclasfoster@yahoo.com
Are you ready to adopt?
With good care, most cats can live 15 to 20 years, so it is critical that you consider what is likely to be happening in your own life over the next 15 to 20 years -- before you adopt a pet.
* What major changes might happen to you during a pet’s lifetime? Marriage? Children? New job? Long-distance move? Are you willing to continue spending the time, energy and money to care for your pet when taking on new responsibilities like those?
* What will you do if your spouse or child is allergic to or cannot get along with your pet?
* If you’re getting a pet for children you have now, are you willing to take on the responsibility of caring for this pet when your children grow up, lose interest or move away?
* Have you previously owned a pet that ran away or died prematurely due to a preventable accident or illness, such as being hit by a car or suffering from heartworm disease? If so, what will you do differently with a new pet to prevent the same thing from happening again?
* Do you have or know of a good local veterinarian?
* Do you know how important it is to have your cat spayed or neutered?
* Do you own your home? If not, are you allowed to have a kitten in your current residence?
* Don't forget to provide your kitten with a scratching post on day one!