Spencer is a older fluffy, black, male cat with white on his chest, chin, tummy and toes. 16 years old. Long fluffy tail and a low-pitched meow. He is friendly and responds to his name but may be shy w/ strangers. Front de-clawed but may use the back ones if picked up. He slipped out Saturday night (May 15th) when his owner was packing up the car. Not his usual behavior. They have been out looking everyday for him but no luck yet...... Posters are up in the neighborhood w/ his picture.
He lives on Atkins in Lakewood. Near I-90, McKinley, Hilliard. Call anytime if found or seen. 419-957-3470
An update from his owner: "After over 3 long, heart-wrenching weeks... Spencer is home!!! Skinnier and dirtier but incredibly well. Neighbors 1 street over and 10 houses done spotted him eating the bread crumbs they put out for the birds. Within 2 days, he was home. Amazing community effort and response."