Irving is a fabulous black and white tuxedo cat, who is ALREADY NEUTERED!! He is a large boy, with long hair and a personality you won't soon forget! VERY TALKATIVE! Irving will seek out your affection. He is such an incredibly loving boy, you won't want to let him go! Ask for collar #331.
He's available for adoption at the Lakewood Animal Shelter, located in the Cleveland Metroparks, on Cleveland Metroparks Drive (Valley Parkway) just south of the Dog Park. Adoption fees are only $35. Includes deworming medicines, initial vaccination, capstar flea pill (seasonal), a collar with identification tag, a cardboard carrier, and initial veterinarian visit with second vaccination from participating local veterinarian. Adoption hours are Tuesdays & Thursday 12 to 6, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays 12-4. Please visit our website at http://www.cclas.info...
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