As many of you know, Lakewood has received a $13K grant from PetSmart Charities to implement a pilot TNR (trap neuter return) program in the Bird Town area. The purpose of this program is humanely manage the cat overpopulation program in this area and we're very thrilled that PetSmart has awarded this grant to our community.
There will be a meeting on THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, AT 7PM AT THE MADISON BRANCH OF THE LAKEWOOD LIBRARY to discuss this program, how you can get involved and to answer any questions.
There is a separate task force leading this effort, not CCLAS. They hope to have as much support as possible and you do not need to be a Lakewood resident to assist.
If you are interested in helping but unable to attend this meeting, please leave a comment or email CCLASweb@yahoo.com and will forward your information to the TNR task force.
Dawn Pyne
President of CCLAS
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